Are You Thinking What We’re Thinking?

Ryan Baum

Recent Posts

Perspectives, AI & Machine Learning / by Ryan Baum on May 5, 2021

The Quickest Way to Segment Your Audience is Also the Most Powerful

Your audience is constantly growing and changing — as is the world it inhabits. 


But when you take a traditional approach to audience segmentation, each study represents a relatively narrow view at a specific moment in time. 

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Perspectives, Guides / by Ryan Baum on April 20, 2021

Demographics Provide the Outline, but Psychographics Paint in Full Color

If someone asked you to talk about your ideal customers, would you be limited to their basic attributes — or could you tell their stories?


In the current landscape of rapid change and cutthroat competition, the first option is no longer acceptable.

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Guides / by Ryan Baum on March 14, 2021

Audience Segmentation 101: Reaching Your Best (and Next) Customers

“When you try to appeal to everyone, you end up resonating with no one.”

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Platform Stories / by Ryan Baum on February 8, 2021

One Order of Big Game Insights With a Side of Fries

Every year, February’s Big Game unites us over food, drinks, and pro football.


But this weekend, it was a lonelier affair, as social distancing kept us home from the usual sports bars and parties. Most of us were left to feed only ourselves and those we lived with.

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Perspectives, COVID-19 / by Ryan Baum on January 5, 2021

A CEO, Head of Marketing, and Data Scientist Walk Into 2021… But It’s No Joke

When we look back at the period following quarantine, the changes that took hold permanently will probably make a lot more sense. Hindsight is 2020, after all. (Sorry.)


But as we close out a year we’d all like to forget, many aspects of 2021 are still up in the air. To figure out which changes will stick around, we organized a roundtable with our CEO, Head of Marketing, and a leading data scientist. 

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